Friday, June 18, 2010

Rules of Leadership #4 & 5: Pointing

4  - Always point at stuff on the road that you wouldn't want folks to run into, like potholes & roadkill.  Generally, anybody following you won't have time to REALLY see, recognize & react because that's a 3-4 second process.  At 60 mph ( 88 feet per second) that can be 100 yards and we tend to follow at 50-100 feet.  The point is, maybe it will help, and if not, YOU are off the hook.  "Hey, I pointed at those gopher guts BEFORE they got wrapped around you axle. Not MY fault!"

5  - Every now & then point at interesting things, mostly wildlife.  For the most part, the folks behind you will have no idea what you're pointing at but you MUST point.  It's a rule. 

5(b)  - This is important:  At least twice as day, point at something that's not there, usually along a wooded area.  You'll have plenty of time to make something up. Big animals are best, like elk, moose & bear.  Do NOT stretch this one!  A good leader must be credible, so know your indigenous species.

I'll try to get some pics of sample pointing later.

1 comment:

  1. So what about Howard's belt? If he was able to fix it alongside the road, that would elevate my esteem of Howard's abilities to even higher levels.
