Sunday, June 13, 2010

Oops. Well, Maybe Duh

Morning after photo above. That's a serious oil trail going into the garage, leading to an entire bag of kitty litter spread over about 3.5 qts of oil. Ahhhh nuts, here's the story:

I got the bike up on the stand last night, see the previous post, and got distracted by a little problem. As I was pondering that one over, I decided to change engine & transmission oil, so I sorta chipped away at that through the evening, draining everything into an old dishpan. By the time I was done for the evening it was 11-ish and it had been a looong day. Notice how I'm building up the excuses?

I lowered the bike to the ground, put the tools away & cranked it up, let it idle for a minute, then dropped it into first & took off. DAMN! Rear end felt loose and there was almost no traction! Got about 50 feet up the drive & it was better, went to the top of the drive & looked back, looks OK. Once around the block and back to the sight of a verrry dark 4 inch wide black stripe leading from the middle of the drive into murky depths of the garage, ending in a nasty puddle about 3 feet in diameter. The dishpan was upside down in the middle of that.

I have no idea how I managed to turn the dishpan over but obviously it was still under the bike. It wasn't crushed or bent so I hadn't run it over. That part is a mystery. What's not a mystery is that I (luckily) had a big bag of kitty litter and I had to use it all. Let it soak all night, sprayed some degreaser on the stain and move on.

And. AND - if I were still drinking I might have a REAL excuse! Nope, sorry. Sober as a judge. Well, actually, I've encountered a judge or two who could not possibly have been sober. Think I'll just roll on.

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