Friday, June 18, 2010

Feel like a fly

Yesterday, when we stopped to dink with Panhead Mike's plugs & carb, I took a quick walk to conduct some, er, personal business.  I wound up along a barbed wire fence & saw some horse hair caught in the wire.  It was about 30 inches long, probably 20-30 strands.  Just for grins I tied it to my left mirror post.

It was sorta cool on the mirror because it fluttered in my peripheral vision, which would break the routine from time to time.  As I cruised along I'll get lost in my thoughts and that flutter kept me in the now, not bad.

As you ride without a windshield, you commonly get peppered with odds & ends - dirt, bugs, sand, maybe even something bigger like a bird or a stone.  Through the day I kept getting stung on the cheek, forehead or neck by sand, or so it seemed, but there was nobody in front of me to kick it up. That's sort of a requirement, sand doesn't float in the air, waiting for a face to whack. So I had something new to ponder. 

I realized I was only getting stung on the left side. Then it came to me.  That damn horsetail is a whip, it's just the right length & popping me!  Took me almost all day to figure that one out.

What's interesting is, it's still there.  I just can't bring myself to remove it.  I'd not really painful or irritating, it's just part of the road for now.  Sometimes, when ithat horse tail whips me I think "Maybe this is what it feels like to be a fly."

1 comment:

  1. "Maybe this is what it feels like to be a fly"....What is THAT all about????!!! I think you've taken one too many hits, Mikie.
