Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Rhythm of The Road

Today I felt it fully; The Rhythm of The Road. When you get to that point you can go on, and on, and.....

The bad news is, it's back to the world tomorrow, the good news is, I know The Rhythm is still with me, unbroken and unbowed.   Today I feel right, I feel whole and fulfilled.  I really can't say the select few have this inside but I can say without hesitation that some folks' eyes light up when this is mentioned to them.

I called a good friend today & mentioned The Rhythm and he was ON.  He told me a story about returning home with his wife and they kept circling, unable to make that last turn. He knows it, he understands.

It takes about a week to get There, but when it comes you know it in every cell and the happy just won't go away. Damn, I love The Rhythm of The Road.

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