Friday, September 7, 2012

Another Late Night

It's almost midnight Friday night, we made it to Indio CA, only about 150 miles from Yuma. I got my gas tanks back, all brazed up & leak free yippee!  We got on the road about 3:30 and pushed hard just to get here.

Now I have a new problem, my rear brake is basically worthless because of slop in the linkage.  This bike is over 70 years old and has it's problems, as one might expect. Weird thing is, this problem is a long term wear sorta thing and it just POPPED up, I was suddenly without a brake.  Some mountain stuff tomorrow so we're gonna try to find a welding shop first thing, we know what needs to be done.

We hope for Lee Vining CA tomorrow but it appears to be about 400 miles, which would be a longong day. Taking time out for welding will make it very difficult.  Dammit I hate to think schedule.  Oh well.

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