Monday, September 10, 2012

Eagle Lake Campground - Lassen National Forest, CA

I'm about 20 miles from Susanville CA at a campground that's virtually deserted. I had just finished setting up the tent & the coyotes started to sing.  Kinda spooky.

I'm surprised the campsite is so empty but it's also at Eagle Lake, where the water is so low that all the floating docks, including the gas dock, are sitting on the bottom. The launch ramp is useless as well. I'll try to get some pics tomorrow.

We had a good day today, a bit of a relaxed start then 223 miles. The Flattie is running smooth smooth. I got schooled by The Wizard on how to get.the carve mixture right, so I dimmed with it as I was rolling down the road.  My confidence slowly grows....

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