Sunday, September 9, 2012

Some Pics From Yosemite

Here are a few cell phone pics from the last 24 hours, mostly today from the Yosemite area. I'm kinda partial to B&W photos, there's just something about that. I also have 3 film cameras with me, a Nikon F2 and two 1950-ish Leica folding cameras; a 35mm folder and a 120 bellows camera.  Sometimes I get some great shots, sometimes, well, not so great. I'll know within a few weeks of my return, when I manage to get the film to Omega Photo in Bellevue, the only place in the Livers Sound area who can do B&W.

One of these pics is of my running partner, Ron, at the entrance to Yosemite. On the gatehouse you can see 9945 ft elevation. Those old bikes struggled & I fiddled with my mixture controls to the point that the poor Flathead couldn't idle. Got it going but it was a bit of a struggle. Kick-starting a Harley at 10,000 feet ain't no easy task, lemme tell ya.  Talked to Bob "The Wizard" tonite, he schooled me up a bit on how to do it right. Tomorrow I'll give it a shot, hope I don't blow the motor.

Oh it's late. Time to roll over. Nite nite.

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