Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Oh, I've been too quiet for too long, guess I've been in my cave for the last year or so.  More on that later.  For NOW, however, I'm back and hope to start blogging a bit more in the very near future.  This pic is my 1941 Harley UL Flathead, nicknamed "Mosey" because that's the way we travel together.  This is no crotch rocket, and when I start my pal and saddle up, we just mosey along.  The photo was taken on the eastern foothills of the Olympic Mountains in Washington.  I was going to run around the peninsula but got to Ocean Shores and ran in to marine fog & very low ceilings.  Fog as in - you can see the droplets, and 55 degrees, while back in Seattle it was 80-90 and clear clear.  Ah, the great Northwest is a diverse place indeed. 

So as of this moment Mosey is in Yuma AZ, with my friend Bob, who we call The Wizard because he seems to know all there is to know about getting, and especially KEEPING, old Harleys running.  Bob was in  Seattle delivering a car to a customer so we loaded our bikes up & said goodbye to Bob.  I'll be flying down on Sunday with another friend, Ron, who has a 1932 Harley with a '37 engine, also in the trailer.  Ron is pretty adamant that it's a 1932, which really is the case, but I like to needle him so I average the two years and call it a 1934.5 bike.  I'm really glad Ron has a good soul, he takes it well.

We'll all hang out in Yuma for a bit then Ron and I will head north about a week from today.  Bob and his wife Paula may decide to join us for at least part of the ride, which will double the fun. 

Stand by, I really hope I can keep the blog going over the next 3 weeks.

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