Monday, August 16, 2010

On Making Amends

I'm continually reminded the true value of making a 10th Step amends is - I can leave the event behind.  If I don't, it festers.  Make amends, be free of it.

That is not to say it's easy.  I'm the best in the world at making it YOUR FAULT.  My pride steps in and I can walk away in a huff, carry that darkness for a loooong time.  If I can say I'm sorry for my reaction, or my words or my act, and leave the rest to you, I can have freedom.  Somehow, I'm relieved of my burden. But I have to mean it, too.

My problem is in the realizing and the doing.  For so long I never realized what was going on inside.   After several years of watching myself, only recently, I've become more aware of my ability to BS myself.  Now it's time to get humble. Damn.

An Interesting Exchange

Walked into my favorite coffee shop, to find an acquaintance chatting up a couple lovely young ladies.  I don't know him well but he's at least 15 years younger than I am.  As the ladies walked away he said wistfully "They do keep us engaged, don't they? I guess with age it diminishes".  I replied "Not really. In fact it increases quite a bit because there's a certain element of hopelessness".

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Yard Sale Today!

Angel is having a yard sale today.  I'm doing the best I can to help but the sad truth is, I'm not a big yard sale guy AND I keep seeing stuff I want to sneak back into the house, or at least the garage, where she almost never goes.  God, grant me the serenity....

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Harvey Fixed & Home Again

$960 and a new ignition harness later, Harvey is back in the nest.  They had to pull a good part of the dash to get to it.  Part of the deal, that's all.  In a few years, I'm thinking, a newer RV will have fewer problems and be more efficient.  Shhhhhh! Don't tell Harvey the RV!

Inside My Cowboy Hat

Inside my cowboy hat, I have 3 things, been there going on near 20 years. 1 - A little piece of tinfoil to keep the aliens away. 2 - A $5 bill because you never know and 3 - A ticket to the 1992 bull riding championships in Ft Worth TX because that was a VERY memorable time in my life, for many reasons. Every cowboy hat needs something like that. Oh, that hat holds many stories.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Home Again

Home thanks to AAA.  My head is a good place, thankful for that!

Broke Down Harvey

Within minutes of bragging to myself how well Harvey was running, silence.  Lots of gas, battery great, just a quiet motor.  I LOVE AAA!  I get up to 100 miles on my RV membership.  Harvey is getting tired tho, it's been a great RV so far.