Thursday, July 1, 2010

Oil Update

So, I cleaned the SNOT out of the motor & frame, hoping to track the oil leak to it's source. I was convinced it was most likely from the valve covers after my valve adjustment but when you're cruising down the road at 60 the oil blows all over the motor, so finding THE leak isn't easy. I also decided not to change the oil for a little while because the dark oil is easier to see as it's wetting the engine.

IT WAS THE OIL PUMP! Just a little run and the oil was pouring past the gasket. The pump bolts on to the right side of the motor with four studs, and they had all worked loose, all four. Damn. All that concern & tightening the valve covers - all for naught. Well, maybe. Those covers may have been leaking after the adjustment, but not now because I gave them as much of a turn as I could every chance I had. The four nuts on the oil pump took at least 1/4 turn, maybe two flats, and problem solved. I've parked the bike probably 10 times since that, and only get a drop or two under it when I return. Makes me want to check the dipstick to make sure I HAVE oil in it!

An aftermarket oil pump gasket was the direct cause of an overheat last year, that will be part of a later bit. Bottom line, it was The Wizard and his crew (the Two Rons) who figured that one out. But again, more later.

More good news. After I fixed the leak I changed the oil, and found just a leetle bit of fuzz on the magnet stuck in my oil plug. Maybe enough fuzz to make a BB, if that. YAY! So, I have a tight engine that's all broken in and ready for anything. Wow. What a ride getting here. Two complete rebuilds and at least two top ends over ten years - I'll tell The Story Of The Flathead later, but it's been quite a ride.

Mosey The Flathead is in the place I've always dreamed about but never honestly thought would be reached. And we've had some great help along the way from some fine people.

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