Sunday, May 30, 2010

Russ McKee is Gone

This is a one-minute video that was not uploaded directly from my phone. Still figuring that part out. Sideways is a problem too, the phone lets me rotate still pics but apparently videos aren't so agreeable. But it's real and screw it, I'm leaving it.

The video was recorded this morning in Detroit as I was headed home after burying uncle Russ McKee in Lansing MI yesterday. As far as I'm concerned he was a great man. Maybe not as the CNN world sees him but certainly in almost everything he touched. He was instrumental in Michigan environmental issues loooong before it was fashionable and he was a prolific writer and story teller. And just a fine human being to boot. I continue to strive to be like him. Sometimes yes sometimes no. But he remains to be a model for me and others.

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